Tuesday 11 October 2011


                      The times I wailed and howled without reason -You were there.
         The times I fell in spite of your strong hand - You were there.
         The times I was stubborn and had my way - You were there.
         The feed you filled me with despite your struggles - You were there.
          During my years of growing up - You showed me the way.
          Through my fears of new developments - You showed me the way.
          Through making decisions of love and hate - You showed me the way.
          Through my years of molding into an adult - You showed me the way.
          To strengthen my career - You encouraged me.
          To select a friend to cherish - You encouraged me.
          In my frustration and discouragement - You encouraged me.
          Through my fears of settling down - You encouraged me.

O Mother Most Pure and Holy,
          Chaste and Immaculate art thou addressed,
O Mother Divine and full of Grace,
          Thou ne’er ceased thy love and care,
Shelter me within thy mantle of love & tenderness,
          Never to falter, never to snare.

Thou who came in the form of my mother on earth,
I give my all unto thee,
To mold and redo that which is left undone,
To be a parent like unto thee,
To impart values and strengths to generations on end,
To love and hold ever so close -
O Mother of mine - Most Pure and Holy- Never to part, I pray,
Ever from thee. 

          - By Maria Noronha

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