Tuesday 25 October 2011

No sickness is to BIG for our GOD!

Freeda's testimony- Healed from Breast Cancer.

As you all know, this week has been dedicated to show support for the Global Breast Cancer Campaigns happening all around the world. In keeping with the same, we give to you Freeda's testimony, of how she was healed from breast cancer.

Freeda has been a member of the HSI for a good number of months now, and testified to what God had done in her life at one of our HSI meetings in Jebel Ali.

Our God is a God of big things! and this shows us how, even an illness such as cancer- which is known to be almost incurable, cannot stop our God from working in our lives if, we only have what it takes- FAITH.

Praise God! for all the wonderful things He is doing in your life right now, and for all the many problems that you are confronted with daily.

In Faith, no war is lost :)

Olivia Pereira
HSI Media


In case you are having any streaming issues, please see below:
Direct link to Freeda's testimony:         http://www.youtube.com/user/hsiglobal#p/a/u/4/C3FcyN-Am_8
Direct link tothe HSI Youtube Channel:  http://www.youtube.com/user/hsiglobal#g/a



  1. Our God is a God of Wonders. This testimony is good and to bring it once again to us during the month dedicated to Brest Cancer awareness. If we have undoubting and immense Faith in our God there is nothing that he cannot do in our life, no sickness, no trouble that we cannot face, what a testimony, we need to Glorify his Name every living moment.

  2. Thank you dear Luiza! May His blessings follow you where ever you go! :)
