Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Power of Testimony

No matter how big or small we all have a story to share, a story that glorifies our God’s amazing grace. And indeed, sharing what God has done is refreshing and inspiring to others; a light in times of darkness.

Why should you share your testimony?It's a question most of us have, a question we've asked ourselves time and again. The answer, however, is simple - To give glory to God

“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven” Matthew 10: 32-33

“And every tongue, acknowledges that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father” Philippians 2:11

When we testify to the things that God has done in our lives, it is like unto a form of praise and worship. It turns everyone’s attention to the Lord and shows them his greatness. When we testify to his name, we also appreciate His goodness in our lives. It’s a nice way of saying ‘thank you’ for all that He does for us.

Just imagine, you do something special for someone and expect a thank you or a kind gesture but instead that person does not respond to your goodness. Wouldn’t you feel hurt? In the same way, when God does favors and works marvelous things in your lives, you must appreciate his goodness and testify to his holy name.

In addition, recounting your testimony humbles you as when you tell of God’s grace and mercy in your life it will remind you of where your life would be if not for God’s matchless grace and mercy.


Your Christian testimony might just be the very answer to someone’s problem. It may be just what someone needs to weather their toughest storms.
We've all been through trials and many of the battles that God has brought us through are being fought by other Christians. When they read or hear of your victory through Christ they will know that He can perform the same miracles in their lives. The faith in the Lord that you evoke in them can pull them through.


If you are going through a trial one of the best ways to build your faith is to think of something God has already brought you through. It reminds you of his faithfulness in the past and gives you the strength to have faith in the future.
Our lives should be a continuous testimony to remind ourselves of how faithful He has been and how far He has brought you.

The apostles boldly testified in the name of Jesus. In Acts 1:8 God’s tells us “You will be my witnesses” and in saying sodirects us to testify of ChristThe Holy Spirit empowers us to testify of Christ just as he did with Peter. The Holy Spirit will take charge of us, our hearts, thoughts and mouths. People have to discover that our Christianity from our Christian speech and conduct.

If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved” Romans 10: 9-10

Our Faith urges us to testify of Christ.

His name is above all names.
Through his name you are saved.
In his name, you are blessed.
Be not afraid, take heart, be of good cheer, pray boldly, live boldly, testify boldly of the Savior so that many others may also call upon his name and be eternally saved.

So testify. Do not tarry brothers and sisters; help someone find the faith to cling to God when everything and everyone around them says they’re already beaten. Give credit where credit is due; bring glory to God by proclaiming His matchless grace to the whole world. 

Clyne Cardoz

HSI Media

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