Saturday 31 December 2011

Our New Year's Resolution

This New year, our blog entry is just a few words, which we hope fwill change your life and steer you, perhaps, to try making the same commitment many of us will be making this year.

As we stand on the edge of the New Year, When the ball drops at midnight, millions of us make promises.This year however, no matter what age we are, let's make a commitment that we will never quit growing and reaching toward Jesus. While resolutions may come and go with each New Year, the commitment to grow with Jesus continues right up to the moment we meet him face-to-face.
Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” 
Make this your year.  Make this God’s year.  It is never too late to get in agreement with your Lord.  God will give you the strength you need to follow through. Get in agreement with God and make this year your best ever.Lets use the year 2012 to get right with God..!

We wish you all a very Happy New Year 2012. May the year ahead be very blessed for you all.

Happy New Year 2012!!
HSI Media 

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