Sunday 16 October 2011

Dream Talk- A testimony of God speaking to me in a dream.

Proverbs 13:12 says, "When dreams come true at last, there is life and joy."

All of us have dreams in our sleep. Some dreams we remember, some we forget. Some dreams can be very pleasant and some very scary. I was never one to dwell much on my dreams. I quickly dismissed dreams as the bi-product of the mind trying to do general housekeeping of the memory. Except for this particular dream I had about two years ago. It was so vivid and played like a movie in my sleep. The next morning I could recall every detail of it. I knew in my heart that this dream had a special spiritual message for me. I also knew from the Bible that God often spoke to people in dreams. Kings even offered great rewards to wise men who would correctly interpret their dreams. I wondered how I would get an interpretation of my dream.
I made a simple decision to ask the Lord for help. It was a working day for me and as I got ready to leave for work, the dream kept playing over and over in my mind. As I got in the car and started to drive, I made a prayer to Jesus: Lord, I believe that you speak to people in dreams. I know that the dream of last night was a special dream and that you have a message for me,  but I don’t know how to interpret it. Will you help me? I know you can do this. Can you help me get an interpretation of this dream right now?
As I continued to drive, I could feel in my heart the Lord was speaking to me. He asked me to tell him my dream. So I narrated the dream to him: I am outside in the compound of my childhood home. The compound is full of tall wild grass and weeds. I am scared to go there because instinctively I know that there are dangerous creatures hiding in there. So I go and fetch a sword and start to chop off the wild growth. As I start to clear the area, I see lurking beneath the grass and weeds large green colored snakes, repulsive to sight. Each of them intertwined with the other, about four inches in diameter and five feet in length. They are making slow, lazy movement on the ground beneath. They can see me but are surprisingly unafraid. I try to shoo them away, but they won’t move. I am too afraid to go any closer. And as I try to think of ways to get rid of the ugly creatures, I notice that our neighbor has started a big bonfire in her compound on the other side of the fence that separates our properties. I immediately have an idea. I fetch a long bamboo pole and standing at a safe distance from the snakes I carefully slip the tip of the pole under the belly of the first snake, lift it up and hurl it across the fence into the neighbor’s fire. I do the same with the next snake and the next one, until there all of them are roasted in the bonfire.
The Lord responds, “Good Jaime. You remember the dream well.” “Of course I remember the dream well. How could someone forget a mysterious dream like this? Lord, now you must tell me what it means or I won’t be able to concentrate at work”. “Well”, the Lord continued, “I will not interpret the dream for you. You are going to do it yourself. I will only give you hints.” “Are you sure Lord? I’ve never done anything like this before. What if it is my own mind playing tricks on me? “You have to trust me on this, Jaime. When we are done, you will know. So let’s begin.  Carefully consider the scenes and symbols in the dream. Take them one by one and relate them to your life and understand what they mean by connecting them to my Word, the Bible.”
I immediately obeyed and did as the Lord said.
The first scene: I am at my childhood home where I grew up and the compound in full of wild grass and weeds and I feel there are dangerous creatures hiding in there. In the Bible wild grass and weeds stand for something evil.   Aha!! There’s the answer.  The wild grass and weeds in my compound represents sins and the consequence of sins in my life beginning with my childhood. The second scene: I take a sword and start to clear the weeds. “What does the Sword represent in the Bible, Jaime?” “The sword in the Bible represents the Word of God which is living and active. It is a spiritual weapon.” Bam!! The second answer. Equipped with the knowledge of God’s word I have removed sin from my life. “Lord, what about the ugly, repulsive snakes?” I asked. Ok Lord, I thought to myself, I am getting it now. I need to check what the snakes represent in the Bible. The snake or serpent represents the evil one. Satan. Like the serpent in t the Garden of Eden. So the fat, ugly, green snakes represent Satan and his demons thriving in the midst of my sinful life. At this point, I could feel the hair standing on my hands.
I continued my probe of the dream. “And Lord, why were the snakes were not scared of me? Why did they not run when they saw me and heard me clearing the weeds with the Sword?” The Lord replied, “Because they had been thriving there for many years. No one had ever objected to their presence. They had made a permanent home in your life”.
“And Lord, the bamboo pole, which I used to lift each of the snakes to hurl them over to the other side of the fence. What does that symbolize?” “Can you think of a pole in the Bible Jaime?” “Yes Lord. The Israelites were grumbling in the desert. God was angry with them and allowed poisonous snakes to bite them. They pleaded with Moses to do something about the snakes. God asked Moses to nail a bronze serpent to a pole and raise it up for everyone to see. Anyone who laid their eyes on the bronze serpent nailed to the pole would live”. “I got it Lord. I got it. You are amazing!!!! “The pole represents you Lord. Jesus Christ, my savior who was nailed to cross, represented by the pole. You overcame Satan by your passion and death and resurrection. By the power of the cross of Calvary represented by the pole, I am lifting Satan and his demons one by one out of my life and hurling them into the fire across the fence. The fire, Lord, represents hell, where Satan and his demons ultimately belong.”
By this time I am sobbing like a baby in my car. My first ever dream, interpreted by the Lord himself, showing me that he has freed me from the bondage of sin and given me victory over Satan and his demons. I no longer need to be afraid. He has cleansed me from my sin and given me the hope of eternal life. The dream has been interpreted to such perfection, there was no room for any doubt that it was from God. All of this happened in a span of less than 10 minutes.
Filled with excitement, I immediately called three of my closest spiritual friends and told them about the dream and the amazing interpretation I had received from the Lord in a span of minutes. They were amazed and glorified God.  They asked me to write down the dream and the interpretation as a testimony of what the Lord had done for me. Today I share the story publicly to assure my fellow believers that God still speaks to us- in dreams and visions,through His Holy Word, through His anointed servants and sometimes through ordinary people. We simply need to be in tune with Him.
Remain in the state of grace. Connect with him in prayer. For God, all things are possible. All praise and honor to Him forever and ever.

Jaime DeMelo
HSI Media

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