Thursday 13 October 2011

Jesus take the Wheel!


Isaiah 43:2-3 says,"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not flood over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you. For I am the LORD your God, your Savior."

The idea of ‘Total Surrender’ has always left most of us with questions- How can one totally and willingly live on nothing but faith alone? How can we leave all our worries to a God that we haven’t really seen or met (even though we know and believe he exists) and just, live a “stress- free” life? I don’t know about you, but the thought of just leaving it all up to God and trusting that he has it all covered and taken care of for me, just increases my stress levels!  J What if God fails to hear my prayers? What if he misses and doesn’t quite exactly get what I want or what I need? What if….
WAIT. STOP. THINK. Does God ever “fail”? If, he did in fact have any short comings.. We would definitely not be calling him God! God is a divine being! He does not fail, he cannot fail and the word ‘fail’ doesn’t even suit Him!.Why do we struggle with the idea of relying on God to take control of our lives, our finances, our emotional needs… to take control of US? Surely- he can do the job way better than we do- He created us to serve Him. He created us with reason.
If you are struggling with total surrender to God, talk to God about your thoughts, feelings, and resistance. To surrender to God means that we crop our ownership -we renounce control of our relationships, our finances, our career-almost anything that we consider as “rights.” We acknowledge what we thought was ours, is actually God’s, and that we are simply caretakers. We admit to the fact that He knows best, and that we want His perfect plan!
Total surrender is only gained when we openly, and without any reservation tell God that He is the Lord of our lives, and that we are sorry for all those times we thought we knew better. Let God know that he is back in charge of your life, and that’s the only way you want it to be.  Just like how in a normal earthly relationship, trust is built up step by step, here too, our relationship with God is no different. The more you trust God, the more the peace, love and joy you’ll truly experience. Let us remember that when we surrender our lives to God, we allow Jesus Christ to live inside us.
So,Let go.. and Let GOD!

Olivia Pereira
HSI Media

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